How much water should I drink while breastfeeding?

This is something many moms wonder, so you are not alone. Some would even wonder if they have to eat more for further baby nourishment via breast milk. But the answer is simply, eat to hunger and drink to thirst. Breastfeeding doesn't make your thirsty or hungry. As long as you are eating healthy and drinking sufficiently (to satisfy thirst), you are good to go. It will not affect the amount of breast milk you produce.

Of course, on hot days or on days when you are more active than usual, you will want to drink more for hydration. During your pregnancy, your nurses may have told you to drink and keep hydrated enough until your urine is pale. If it is yellow and darker, you might want to drink more. So always keep this in mind, during pregnancy and after - it is definitely healthy to drink more water on a daily basis.


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