Babies cry, a lot

Babies cry a lot – that's just how they communicate!

Their cries will tell you that they are hungry, sleepy, cold, have a dirty diaper, or want to be held. They can be frustrating when you can't tell which of the reasons they are crying about, but give it some time and you will get a better handle on what your baby needs in time.

Here are some common reasons why babies cry:
1. Hungry
2. Too full (bloated stomach)
3. Sleepy
4. Uncomfortable clothing
5. Dirty diaper
6. Pain; a stomach ache, or a rash
7. Surrounding temperature; if it is too hot or too cold

Being a mom, I would go down the list one by one and see if my baby will stop crying. When he does, then I have found the cause! (and learn from it - like making sure the air conditioning is on a comfortable temperature, or change his diaper on time!)


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