Cracking the baby gestures code

Your baby can sometimes put you into a guessing game with his gestures and expressions. As new parents, you might find it hard to figure out what he’s trying to say. But, observing your child on what he does and what he finds interesting or not, can tell you a lot. As long as you get the cues and spot the signs, you don’t need to pull a Sherlock cracking the baby gestures code.

Facial expressions

Baby’s trying to say something with that look on his face. You stare back at him, and at that very moment, you wish you would have telepathic powers. Well, don’t fret! Check these common facial expressions. It might save your day.

An intense look at a particular object, person or direction.

Babies have curious minds and can get easily fascinated by things that move around him. It can be something that’s moving, flying or someone making funny faces. This look can also be observed after your baby gets shocked at a thud or loud noise. It’s usually followed by a smile, laugh, or cry, depending on how your kid would react to what he saw.

When a child starts to become fascinated with things around him, it can be a sign that he’s starting to become curious and may want to learn what he just saw. You can point the object at him and tell him what it is or let him touch the thing to feed his curiosity. Just be watchful on what he’s doing to avoid accidents.

Lip pouting, wrinkled brows, and probably quivering chin

This facial expression can give a lot of meaning. When your baby gives you this look, it can tell you that he’s starting to get annoyed or beginning to get a meltdown. This expression can be observed if your baby is carried by other people he doesn't know. Or when he eats something sour.

It can mean that your baby is distressed because he may either be bored or overstimulated. Divert his attention by giving him a toy, playing with him, or singing a song.

Crying, angry look with grunting sounds

When you see your baby with this look, it can show that he’s uncomfortable or isn’t feeling okay. You can think of many reasons for this facial expression. One of the most common reasons is gas. You can give your baby a gentle rub on his tummy or give anti-gas drops that your child doctor recommends. There may be an underlying health problem if the crying persists. You should call your pediatrician for professional help.

Another reason why your baby gives you this look is when he is pooping. When he’s pooping normally, he can give you a scrunched face, and probably with his eyes wide open. This calls for a diaper change! But if he’s constipated, you may hear him crying and grunting. You have to call your doctor when it persists.

Baby sounds

Babies have their own language that’s probably not spoken by an adult. Your baby can make distinct sounds on a particular thing that he wants. It’s best for new parents also to know their baby’s sounds as it can give you clues on what he needs. According to Priscilla Dunstan, the author of The Dunstan Baby Language, newborn babies make five universal sounds or sound reflexes.

The five distinct sounds are:

Eairh - flatulence or an upset tummy

Neh - hungry

Eh - needs to burp

Owh - tired and sleepy.

Heh - sick, uncomfortable or stressed.

Baby’s cry

Babies cry at various intensities and how loud they cry can mean a specific. While babies do not produce the same sound when crying, they can share similarities when it comes to their needs. Here are the cry sounds and its corresponding meanings that you might observe:

Rhythmic and repetitive - hungry

A slow increasing cry over a few minutes - needs a nap

Cranky and agitated - tired, stressed, bored, or overstimulated

Frequent soft whims and strong screams - discomfort, gassy or feeling sick

Hand gestures

Newborns typically develop their speech only after several months after birth. But babies can communicate with their parents at an early age. One of the effective means of communication for them is through hand gestures. So, if your tot is giving you hand signals, here are some hand gestures that can observe

Sucking his fists - hungry
Clenching his fists and rubbing his eyes - sleepy 

Doing a ‘Stop’ sign - put a stop or break on something

Grasping your hand or fingers - wants attention or play time

There you go, dear parents! Now you have ideas about what your small bundle of joy is trying to tell you. With these baby gestures and expressions deciphered, cracking the baby gestures code is a no brainer.

Written by Eulah Mae Millama


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