What can I do to help my baby learn in the womb?

During pregnancy, our womb is like a sensory playground for our baby. It’s known that from about 10 weeks the baby is already wriggling around and stretching in our belly!

Once the baby reaches 20 weeks, the baby will be able to hear our voice and other sounds around us, the baby might even be able to respond to us by moving around more! As moms, we can certainly help our baby’s natural cognitive development by interacting with our baby. It can be singing or talking, and this comes as a simple form of learning for the baby in the womb. This might even help the baby to recognize our voices and bond with us after birth. For many moms, interacting with their baby bumps helps them relax and deepen our feelings for our little ones.

Other things you might be up to doing could include gently touching, rubbing, or massaging your belly. In the last trimester, you could even respond to your baby’s kicks by gently pushing against the baby, or rub your belly where the baby kicks. See if the baby will respond to you!

Written by Raisa Mia


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