How common are eating disorders in pregnancy?

If you have an eating disorder, you are definitely not alone. An eating disorder is when people have an unrealistic view of themselves, on their body weight and body shape. They think they are fat when they are not. This may sound normal to many people, which is why often people don't usually seek any help.

However, if you are pregnant and you feel that you have an eating disorder, it is really important to seek professional advice so that you and your baby can have a healthy pregnancy.

During pregnancy, it is very natural that you gain some weight - on average about 10kg to 13kg. Some pregnant moms go through morning sickness and will avoid certain foods (even foods that were a favourite before pregnancy) and some moms will crave certain foods (even foods that they have not eaten before). So try not to worry when you find yourself focusing on a particular type of food - pickles are the most common favourite during pregnancy!

It is very important that you speak to a healthcare professional if you think you have an eating disorder, you may not see it now but the harm can be greater during pregnancy as your body and baby demands more nutrients. Some of the harm that could happen may include bone damage, stomach ulcers, blood circulation problems, and kidney damage.

It may not be easy to talk to someone about it, because for many people it is a very secret problem. But trust us, it will be worth it! ❤

Written by Raisa Mia


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