The first year of motherhood is usually the hardest, here's how to survive it

As a woman, one of the major life changes you may encounter is when you become a mom. Surely, becoming a mom is a blessing and an amazing experience to have. But this new journey also comes with a few bumps on the road.

It will be extremely challenging, stressful, and exhausting for you. There are days that you may be able to jump for joy, and there are also days that you will feel a bit under the weather.

You could feel overwhelmed when you are nearing your due date, with the baby, and the nursery, and you aren’t sure if you yourself are ready for delivery. But keep in mind that it is OK to feel nervous. Here are some notes we would like to share on how to survive it all.

1. When you feel like crying

Just cry your hearts out, and know that it is OK.

The first year of motherhood can cause a lot of sleep deprivation. It is tiring and dehydrating. Carrying your baby in your tummy for nine months is already a difficult task. Monitoring and taking care of him for the next few months, while getting yourself healed, is definitely a harder one.

Crying is a healthy sign of moving forward. It helps you reduce stress and helps relieve anxiety. Do not feel embarrassed to do it. It greatly helps.

2. When you feel like your life suddenly took a sharp turn

One thing that some new moms often forget is that there is a big chance that their life after their baby is born will turn out different from the life that they have had before.

Your priorities will shift now that you are family is growing. Your career goals may need to be thought over. Your goals as a couple may also need to change. And it is natural for all of that to happen.

Accept that your life is changing and take each day slowly. Take baby steps and go on at your own pace - remember that life is always full of surprises!

3. When you feel like your confidence and self-esteem dropped

It may be too easy to say and hard to live by, but remember that this is only a phase that you have to go through. Never let yourself drown from all the hardships you are experiencing.

Taking care of yourself is also a reflection on how dedicated you are at taking care of your baby. Your baby’s life largely depends on you during their first year, especially when you choose to breastfeed and be a hands-on mom.

Your mood and approach to everyday activities are greatly affected by how you see and take care of yourself.

Regaining your confidence back can start by as simple as stretching in the morning or eating good food for breakfast.

4. When you feel like your friends do not understand your situation

Not everyone are parents and not everyone will understand what you are going through as a new mom. So go out and make new friends, connect with new parents, or join in on parenting groups where you can find people that are on the same boat as you are. It may just be the support system you are looking for.

5. When you think your life is lacking fun and your activities are now limited

Take a minute to reflect, a minute to yourself to go back to that hobby you used to have, or the things you used to love doing. Like watching funny videos online, to play charades, or just sipping that cup of hot tea you've always loved doing without any interruptions.

While you are having that minute of your life, get your partner or a family member to help out and keep an eye on the baby. No man is an island after all!

6. When you are suffering from post-partum depression

Most post-partum issues often require help from professionals. Do not feel ashamed and do not think twice in asking for help.

What you are going through as a new mother is a very important phase for you to survive. Always be open and vocal if you noticed something that is not normal.

7. When you are experiencing that mommy guilt

Mommy guilt can be one of the hardest ones to avoid. But know that your first year of motherhood is also your hardest learning year.

There is just a lot to take in one sitting. But there is just no such thing as the 'right' parenting. We all make mistakes, most of the time.

Lastly, it is an achievement to go on with the plan smoothly and well prepared. But being able to survive motherhood through winning small battles, is a greater accomplishment.

Written by Ellaine Go Rodriguez


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