A little Sunday weigh in

This is something I am sure many moms do, on a daily basis, every other day, once a week or once a month at least!

I have had a reasonable week foodwise, lots of fruits and salad, smoothies for breakfast, some soup and bread for lunch, light dinners. I've been baking with my little ones, but only had a small taste before letting them polish it all off, and have only had a small amount of chocolate all week.

So I'm now thinking maybe it's that time to get on Whole30 again since I have been rather disciplined!

More positives this week:
1. I have cooked more often, it's been difficult to find the time to prepare home-cooked meals so this is great
2. I found my workout program from earlier in the year and have started two days of the program so far.

1. To continue the positives listed above

What are your goals and achievements?

*Goals and achievements are still goals and achievements no matter how small they are!


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